A term coined by psychologists Popovic and Jinks in 2014, Personal Consultancy is an integrated approach to the practices of counselling, psychotherapy and coaching. 
It is a method that can have deeper impact on people than coaching or counselling can on their own. It supports people to choose and commit to projects, people and places for a life full of creativity and purposeful well-being, ultimately finding integration in themselves and with their environment.
Natalie found her natural home in the human technologies of Clean Language, originally founded in New Zealand in the 1980s by consulting psychologist David Grove. David's work has since been expanded upon by many practitioners around the world spawning a new field of 'emergent knowledge' or 'leading from the future as it emerges'. Natalie combined her extensive training and experiences in Clean Language and coaching to offer her presence as a Personal Consultant.
"I feel more positive after a session with Natalie. It reinforced my passions and where I can contribute to this world. I’m feeling more focused, clearer on what is fulfilling for me and the hour helped me put a lot into perspective. Feeling like 2020 has finally started for me." Career Changer
"Thank you for your help last week in inspiring me to dig deep with finding those questions I needed to ask. They really helped. I’ve now had the courageous conversation I needed to have and also done a budget exploring my living costs and I feel a lot more confident about things." Mental Health Administrator
"Terrific morning of coaching with Natalie out in nature. Rediscovered some beautiful and meaningful locations that reminded me of important cities I have lived in over the years. Surprised and inspired by the Clean coaching process." Small Business Coach​​​​​​​

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